
OCD Treatment in South Florida

  1. Leading primary mental health treatment center in South Florida
  2. Personalized, holistic treatment and intimate care by experts
  3. Expertise in complex mental health disorders including OCD
mental health rehab facility-compassion behavioral health-hollywood, fl
Admission Process

The Path to Recovery Starts Here

mental health and addiction rehab admission step 1
Step 1

Get in Touch

Start your recovery journey: Call or contact us online

mental health and addiction rehab admission step 2
Step 2

Pre-Admission Assessment

Confidential assessment to tailor your treatment plan

mental health and addiction rehab admission step 3
Step 3

Verification of Insurance

We verify your coverage and clarify costs with your insurer

mental health and addiction rehab admission step 4
Step 4


Set your admission date and prepare for your stay


Recognizing the Signs of OCD

Persistent, unwanted thoughts or urges that are intrusive and cause significant distress or anxiety.

Repetitive actions performed to relieve the distress caused by obsessive thoughts, often following specific rules or rituals.

An excessive fear of getting contaminated by germs, dirt, or other perceived contaminants, leading to compulsive washing or cleaning.

A strong need for things to be placed in a precise manner or for symmetry, leading to compulsive arranging and rearranging of objects).

The inability to throw away possessions, regardless of their actual value, due to a fear of losing something important, leads to excessive collection of items.

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meditation for mental health
ocd symptoms
impaired communication-mental health disorder symptom

Holistic Recovery in Healing Environment

mental health treatment in south florida





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compassion behavioral health residential facility for mental health and addiction treatment
Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Residential Facility in Hollywood Florida - Compassion Behavioral Health





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Compassion Behavioral Health Yoga Session





art therapy at compassion behavioral health residential facility





Compassion Behavioral Health Residential Facility Outdoor Activity
group therapy for mental health and addiction treatment





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addiction rehab PHP housing in South Florida stairs





addiction rehab PHP housing in South Florida kitchen





addiction rehab PHP housing in South Florida bathroom





Outcome-Driven Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Data derived from 1,508 patient surveys conducted by Vista Research Group, a third-party clinical research firm, from 1/1’23 to 2/29’24.

89 %

Reduction of
Severe Symptoms of Depression

78 %

Reduction of
Severe Symptoms of Anxiety

70 %

Reduction of
Severe Symptoms of Trauma

Stories Change Here

“My Life now feels like being in color. I am a lot happier and I can feel alive again.”

Watch Her Full Story
Stories Change Here

“I took everything I learned at CBH and applying it today and that is why I can smile today”

Watch Her Full Story
Stories Change Here

“As long as I stay patient and waiting on the lord nothing but good will come from it”

Watch His Full Story
Ashley J.
Theresa B.
Corey J.

Meet Your Support System

Expert Licensed Clinicians Committed to Your Recovery

  • Lisa Micheletti

    Micheletti, LMHC

    Clinical Director
  • Ana - Clinical Director at Compassion Behavioral Health in Hollywood, Florida

    Carbonell, LMHC

    Clinical Director
  • Jawad Daud

    Dr. Jawad
    Daud, MD

    Medical Director
  • Aimee Payton

    Payton, MSN, RN

    Director of Nursing
  • Monya Holt

    Holt, LMHC

    Primary Therapist
  • Barbara Barroso

    Barroso, RCSWI

    Primary Therapist
  • Sarah Pastor

    Pastor, LMHC

    Primary Therapist
  • Stephine Yaskal

    Yaskal, MS, CAP

    Primary Therapist
  • Maria Dona

    Dona, MS

    Primary Therapist
  • Aimee Rolle

    Rolle, MS

    Primary Therapist
  • Paula Buitrago

    Buitiago, RMHCI

    Primary Therapist
  • Tharlene Pou


    Neurofeedback Technician
  • Michelle Blair


    Nurse Practitioner
  • Heather Brathwaite

    Brathwaite, PhD, PMHNP-BC

    Nurse Practitioner
  • Nancy Adrien

    Adrien, PMHN-BC

    Nurse Practitioner

OCD Treatment in South Florida 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD is a mental health condition that causes uncontrollable obsessions. These obsessions may be thoughts, fears, and urges. Those with OCD try to reduce the anxiety these obsessions bring with repetitive actions known as compulsions.

According to the International OCD Foundation, between 2 and 3 million U.S. adults are currently living with OCD. While OCD may cause shame or embarrassment in individuals who have it, treatment can help.

Symptoms of OCD

In most cases, OCD symptoms include obsessions and compulsions. However, an individual with OCD may have one or the other. Here’s a brief overview of what obsessions and compulsions may be.

  • Obsessions: Obsessions are persistent unwanted thoughts or urge that cause anxiety or distress. They often get in the way when an individual is trying to think about other things or perform certain activities. Obsessions may be fear of germs or dirt, the need for order, symmetry, and perfection, and unwanted sexual thoughts. 
  • Compulsions: Compulsions are actions an individual may take to get rid of obsessions or the negative feelings they cause. Examples of compulsions are washing hands over and over, arranging items in a specific manner, refusing to shake hands or touch objects like doorknobs, and silently repeating a word or a phrase. 

Individuals with OCD might also have brief ticks, repetitive actions like eye blinking, grunting, head jerking, and shoulder shrugging.

Treatments for OCD at CBH

OCD treatment is aimed at controlling symptoms so they don’t have a negative impact on day-to-day life. Depending on the severity of the condition, long-term or more intensive treatment may be required. At Compassion Behavioral Health, we offer a variety of treatments for patients with OCD such as:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) 

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

Group therapy

Individual therapy 

Motivational interviewing 


Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) 


It’s not uncommon for OCD to occur alongside a drug or alcohol addiction. Therefore, we treat patients who are experiencing both OCD and substance abuse conditions. Between our Substance Abuse Treatment Program and Mental Health Treatment Program, we can effectively treat both disorders at once.

Residential Treatment for OCD

Compassion Behavioral Health provides an extensive, 24-hour residential treatment program for those in need of extensive support for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This approach is especially suitable for those suffering from severe OCD symptoms which significantly hinder their ability to operate on a daily basis. In the residential level of care, clients are removed from the stressors and triggers of their regular surroundings and placed in a therapeutic setting where they can concentrate only on their recovery. The treatment plan combines DBT, EMDR, and medication management with a strong foundation of evidence-based therapies, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). With the help of coping mechanisms that help patients take back control of their thoughts and behaviors, this rigorous approach seeks to lessen the severity of OCD symptoms in patients.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) for OCD

The Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) at Compassion Behavioral Health offers a structured yet adaptable treatment option for those who need to transition out of residential care or whose OCD symptoms are modest but still require significant intervention. PHP enables patients to come to our treatment facility for daily therapy sessions during the day and go back to the housing we provide in the evening. While still receiving the intense treatment required to manage OCD, such as group therapy, individual therapy, and access to various therapeutic modalities, this balance enables people to stay connected to their communities and support networks.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for OCD

Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for OCD is intended for those who want to manage their therapy alongside their regular responsibilities to family, job, or school. Patients can participate in several therapy sessions per week at the IOP, which provides a structured and supportive environment for treating OCD symptoms while integrating into daily activities. This program includes therapies like CBT, DBT, motivational interviewing, and neurofeedback to promote general quality of life while emphasizing the development of skills for symptom management and relapse prevention. As people move closer to recovery and independence, IOP offers continuous support, making it a critical stage in the continuum of care.