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Meditation for Addiction Recovery: The Beginner’s Guide

meditation for addiction recovery

Find Peace Through Mindfulness in Meditation During Addiction Recovery 

For many, meditation can help with addiction recovery. Each person experiences their recovery process differently, and practicing grounding and mindfulness techniques can aid in withstanding and overcoming stressful situations, triggers, and anxious thoughts.

How Meditation Can Help During Addiction Recovery

Reduce Stress and Anxiety 

A notable benefit of meditation is aiding with stress reduction. Individuals who are recovering from addiction may experience increased stress and anxiety due to the changes in their lifestyle and the challenges of sobriety. Meditation can help o quiet the mind and create space to focus on the present moment. This can be especially helpful in managing triggers and cravings.

Boost Your Mood 

Beyond helping with reducing stress, meditation has also been shown to help boost a person’s mood. This can help create a more consistently positive mindset as you conduct your daily activities.

Broaden Your Perspective 

Meditation also helps to expand a person’s perspective, allowing them to assess their thoughts and feelings from multiple angles. This can help you “get out of your head” and view your experiences through a more well-rounded and empathetic lens.

Get More Restful Sleep

Poor sleep can be a common issue for those in early recovery. Stress and anxiety can keep anyone up at night, but taking time during the day to calm yourself can help relieve these pressures before it is time to turn the lights out for the night.

Tips for a Helpful Meditation Experience 

Don’t Start with a Specific End-Goal in Mind 

When you’re beginning your meditation journey, it’s important not to put too much pressure on yourself. Don’t try to force yourself into a deep meditation right away – or any meditation at all for that matter! Just allow yourself the time and space to sit comfortably, focus on your breath, and enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet.

Stick to a Consistent Meditation Schedule 

Meditation does not need to take up a large amount of time or emotional intensity. You can practice meditation by simply sitting in a quiet room and breathing deeply, focusing on your body and thoughts, and observing them.

Set a consistent schedule for when you decide to meditate. This could be a specific time of day or after a daily occurrence, such as after dinner or before bed.

Create a Quiet and Calming Space for Yourself

Having a quiet and calming space to meditate will help you achieve the best meditation experience. Meditating in the same place every day or even creating your own personal meditation area can give you peace of mind, especially if it is an environment that comforts and calms you.

Keep a Calm, Steady Breath as You Meditate

Keeping a steady and calm breath while meditating will help you focus on the present moment. Focusing on your breathing is an old technique used in meditation, one that can also be incorporated into other practices such as yoga.

If you find that your mind wanders as you meditate, don’t worry. This is natural and happens to everyone. Simply focus on bringing your thoughts back to your breathing to ground yourself.

Try Meditation Apps if You Want Guidance

Meditation apps can help you learn more about meditation and practice specific techniques for different situations, such as dealing with anxiety or stress during your addiction recovery journey. Some of these apps even offer guided meditations that will help you focus on your breathing and the present moment by following an audio track.

Start Setting Intentions As You Meditate More Often

As you continue to practice meditation, you will likely experience more deep and insightful thoughts. With time, you may also find that your ability to focus increases. As this happens, start setting intentions for yourself as you meditate – such as resolving to let go of anger or working on being more patient.

Keep a Meditation Journal to Record Your Thoughts and Insights 

Writing down your thoughts and insights can help you better understand what is going on in your mind, allowing for deeper realizations. This also gives you the opportunity to go back and reflect.

If meditating brings up any stressful thoughts or feelings, write these down as well. You can mention these to a licensed therapist and work on addressing them in your sessions.

Consider Branching Out with In-Person and Online Meditation Classes 

Once you’ve grown more comfortable with meditating on your own, consider signing up for in-person or online meditation classes. This can help introduce you to new techniques and can provide a way to meet other people who share your interest.

Get Compassionate Addiction Recovery Treatment in South Florida

At Compassion Behavioral Health, we provide complete and caring addiction recovery treatment in South Florida. If you are interested in taking the next step in your own journey, please call us at (844) 999-0874 or reach out online at any time.